Monday, July 05, 2010

"Oh Mandy"

Miles is a lot of fun in the morning. As soon as he wakes up, he nurses and then our sweet baby is all smiles. This has led to a routine of playing in the nursery for an hour or so before I make coffee and start working. He loves to stare at the monkeys on his wall and coo back and forth. This morning I tried to capture this on camera. Unfortunately, Miles is very suspicious of the camera. It flashes, which he does not appreciate, and as soon as the camera appeared it was instantly the furrowed brow of 'Sara face'.

I did manage to sneak a few photos of some happy faces.

He is looking at his monkeys in this one. Good thing he likes them or the poor little guy would probably be traumatized by his room decor and half his wardrobe.

I also tend to sing to him a lot during our morning play sessions. There are not too many kids' songs in my musical repertoire so I sing Miles anything I know the lyrics to. In fact, I do not really believe in kids' music. When I was little, I just listened to the kid friendly music that my parents liked (don't worry Frank Zappa and the Mothers was reserved for my teenage years when my dad was trying to prove that hip hop did not invent crass lyrics). My favorites were Jonathan Richmond and the Modern Lovers, The Police, and the Rolling Stones. I will argue that "Hey there little insect" is a great song for both kids and adults. When I was 3, I even had a little fisher price record player that I used to play the song "Don't stand so close to me" on over and over and over again. I played this song until my dad's ears began to bleed and he changed the lyrics to "can't stand, can't stand, can't stand that redundancy". Anyway, I have been playing various music from my itunes library for Miles to figure out what he likes best. The answer so far is Barry Manilow's song "Mandy". He loves the "oh Mandy" part (please do not ask why Mandy is in my itunes library). If you don't believe me, check out this video that I took this morning.


At 9:45 AM, Blogger marsha said...

cute! although it looks like the girls think you're singing for them!

At 8:03 PM, Blogger A-M said...

So cute ! I love his baby "muscles". You guys look like you have settled in well to being parents :)

At 1:16 PM, Blogger sandra said...

where's the latest? we are going through miles withdrawal here.....


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