Thursday, June 24, 2010

Happy 2 Month Birthday Miles

To celebrate Miles being 2 months old he got a rotavirus vaccine, which he thankfully got to drink, and 3 shots in the thighs. It was a rough day. Poor Miles cried for about an hour in lab and probably completely disrupted everyone's work day. He slept for a little bit and then cried for an hour for his dad while I went for a walk.

Even without getting shots Miles' level of general fussiness has increased a lot over the past week and half. I am not sure what is going on but he seems generally discontent and inconsolable in the evenings. It has been hard. Last night he cried for 3 hours broken up with a few minutes of relief here and there. I have realized that I can only stand about 40 minutes of his crying before I join in.

On a more positive note, here are Miles' current stats:
weight: 13 lb 1oz (75-90% percentile)
height: 23.25 inches (75%)
head circumference: 40.5 cm (50%) - so he may not have my freakishly large head afterall


At 8:18 PM, Blogger A-M said... have reached the 4-7 week fussies (or colic)! Likely he is getting a bit late since he was born a bit earlier. It will pass, I promise. 6-9pmish is the worst for most babes. I can only recommend the happiest baby techniques (found in same name of book or DVD) and heavy drinking on your part ;). I promise it's just a phase but it really sucks..hang in there!

At 6:58 AM, Blogger Sarah said...

Okay. I'm going to sound like a crazy person. But there are some things that can get almost any baby to relax. The first is you don't try to get Miles to stop for the sake of stopping, you ask him to tell you more. Then you try to really listen to what the crying sounds like, and sometimes you really can tell what the meaning is. The second is walking. The faster the better. The third is to cradle him in your arms and swing him from side to side. They seem to like that weightless feeling, I'm guessing like they felt before the got here. I know I'm not a mom and it's really different when you don't give them back like I do!

At 9:13 PM, Blogger Lisa said...

Sara, we had the same thing. 2 months + 5 pm = disaster.

I completely agree with A.M. in the tight swaddling + sazeracs. See facebook in november-december if you don't believe me.

I also agree they outgrow it. But it still doesn't help at the time. That is what the booze is for. :)

ps boo to crying.

At 6:42 AM, Blogger Sara said...

Thanks for the advice and support A-M, Sarah and Lisa. The 5 S's seem to help. Drew has been great at dealing with it. He is more tolerant and patient of the crying than I am. I probably do require more booze.


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