Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Breech Baby

The goods news is that the baby looks great. He is large and already estimated to be around 6lb 14oz. His size puts him at 37 weeks and 5 days, even though he is only 36 weeks. The bad news is that he is still head up. Why is he so non-compliant? We have over a decade before his teens, so I would like him to be more cooperative.

Anyway, next Tuesday morning Drew and I are going for the external cephalic version procedure in which a specialist will try to flip the baby. If this does not work (it only works about 50% of the time), then I will have a C-section around April 21st. This is not what I had hoped for, but as long as we have a healthy baby, Drew and I will both be happy.


At 4:15 PM, Blogger A-M said...

Silly boy! Sorry to hear that and crossing my fingers for Tues's procedure to be a success. Having a C section is by no means optimal but you have your priorities in line. If it does happen you will likely have to grieve your expectations a bit but that will all seem like no big deal in the long run. Hugs and hang in there.

At 5:27 PM, Blogger Sarah said...

This reminds me of Spike Lee's book "Please Baby Please." It's great, those are the only words, but sometimes there are more pleases and sometimes there are more babies.


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