Despite all my rage, I am still just a rat in a water maze
One of the odder things I do as a grad student involves dunking white rats into a tub of opaque water to test their spatial memory. Because both the rats and the water are white the rats have to wear these funny little jackets made out of black duct tape and coban wrap so the video tracker can follow the rat's swim path. This was the inspiration for my halloween costume this year. I even made a human size water maze jacket.
Drew was Steve Irwin. Please notice the blood on his chest...I love him for his irreverance. Anyway, we went to a Halloween party but left by 11pm because we are getting old.
In other news, we still have not fully figured the wedding catering. I realized today that I have not worked on any wedding plans since we were in Oregon. Good thing we still have 9 months to get it together.