Saturday, March 19, 2011

Post 200: Thimble Peak and Miles' New Favorite Things

Miles LOVES the dogs. Here is a picture of him searching for them while they are outside going to the bathroom. Yes...I know, our glass door is filthy. I am not much of a housekeeper and neither is Drew.
Miles love to crawl under stuff now. I think that he is going to be a fort kid, which is awesome. My brother and I used to make massive forts in our basement and I cannot wait to build one with Miles. Here he is crawling under the dining room table.
While our heads were turned tonight, Miles managed to crawl up onto the dishwasher. How funny that he wanted to do this.
Drew got a great picture of Miles in the dishwasher.

In other news...In January, Drew signed us up for the Southern Arizona Hiking Club so we would each have someone to hike with while the other one was watching Miles. Ideally, we would all hike together but Miles is really only good for around 6 miles and sometimes (even though he is charming and "adorable") you just do not feel like carrying the extra 25+ pounds on a tough hike. Today Drew stayed home with Miles so I could hike up Thimble Peak with the club. Thimble Peak is at about 5,200ft and about half way up the Santa Catalina Mountains between Sabino Canyon and Mt. Lemmon. You can see it in this picture off in the distance between the two hillsides.

Here it is as we are getting closer. About this time, I was wondering if it is actually possible to get to the top of this thing without climbing gear.

The air quality was abysmal today so I did not take too many pictures of the views. But here is one of the Catalinas.

Getting closer to the Thimble...and I am getting more nervous.

Still not seeing an easy route to the top.

Now we are at the Thimble...this was not the way to the top.

Oh here it is. If you look closer you can see other hikers scrambling up a rock crevice.

The route is actually right in the middle of this shot, behind the tree. It was rough for someone like me that has a very luke warm relationship with heights, but I made it to the top.

Unfortunately, I do not have any photographic evidence from the top because I was too nervous to scramble with the camera. My name, however, is on the summit log and I suppose that if you want proof you can go up there and check it out.

The hike was amazing. I think I did over 13 miles in total.


At 9:40 PM, Blogger Sarah said...

Very cool, Sara! Somewhere I have a picture of a cat in a dishwasher, but a 10 month old in a dishwasher is way better! Miss you!

At 7:01 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Mom always said that Max taught me how to jump over the baby gate to get him / us cookies from the cookie jar.

Beware what Riley and Scout teach him!

Sometimes I catch Reese with her snout in the dishwasher when it's either being loaded or unloaded.

At 8:48 AM, Blogger sandra said...

you are so brave! I have a big problem with heights! that one I can see why not to bring Miles! Miles- stay out of the dishwasher! if you break it you go on dish duty! (never too young to explain consequences!) xoxo thanks for post 200

At 9:38 AM, Anonymous Graunt Susan said...

Two thoughts: first, I wonder if Miles isn't noting the advantage of peeing outside with the dogs. This is a concept he will embrace soon enough. Secondly, while he is sitting in the dishwasher,teach him how to load it. His future wife will be ever grateful. Excellent hike photos!I am sitting in the kitchen at Netarts looking at these for a second time with Diane and Gruncle Doug.

At 9:18 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I'm so proud that you made it to top of thimble peak, maybe you're conquering some of your fear of heights. Maybe one of these days we'll be able to do Angels landing in Zion together after4 failing that one year. I also have the same fear of exposure. Can't wait to be down there in May. Miles looks like so much fun. Love Dad

At 6:26 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Our kids never went near the dishwasher-still don't. We love your posts and we love you.

At 10:01 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Sara you are in great shape,13 miles you should be so proud. Miles is so precious I'm counting down the days till we're there. love mom


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