Sunday, March 06, 2011

Miles Likes Dirt: Hiking in the Santa Ritas

The weather was perfect on Sunday so we decided to load Miles into the carrier and hike in the Santa Rita mountains. It had been well over a month since we have hiked with Miles, so he was not thrilled when he first put him in the kid pack. The expression he made before we started to hike is tragically precious. Note, the loan tear near the bottom of his right cheek.
A view of Devil's Throne. Can you believe that Drew hiked to the top of that when Miles and I were in Ventura. That makes me nervous, and I am glad that I did not know to worry at the time.
Razor's edge, which Drew has also been to the top of.
A pretty prickly pear cactus with Mt. Hopkins in the background.
Miles and I at the top of the hill. He was great the entire hike.
Miles and I with Mt. Hopkins in the background.
I changed Miles' diaper at the top and he discovered dirt.
Miles realized that he LOVES dirt, and nothing beats playing in the dirt on top of a peak.
He is smiling behind that binky.
The road to the top of Mt. Hopkins.
The ridge we hiked across.
Miles gathering rocks.
Miles holding a rock with elephant head in the distance.
More fun with dirt.
Miles pitched a small fit when we loaded him back in the carrier. He really wanted to spend more time with his fingers in the dirt.
The scenic view we had hiking back.
Drew and Miles.
It was a great way to spend Sunday. We hiked almost 4 miles with a 1200 foot elevation gain, and Drew carried Miles the entire way. Even more impressive is that Miles only cried twice - both of the times that we placed him in the carrier, and who can blame him for being upset about leaving all those rocks and fabuluous dirt on the peak.


At 7:54 PM, Blogger sandra said...

LOVE! his uncle jon used to love rocks, would put them in his pockets all the time!

At 8:31 PM, Anonymous Gr'Aunt Susan said...

Sara,Remember when we found that you FILLED your pack with 'pretty rocks' and carried them out? Tell Drew, Miles can't collect 'em until he can carry them out himself. Looks like a wonderful day.


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