Sunday, March 13, 2011

Miles Likes Dirt More Than Snow: Sunday on the Butterfly Trail

The weekend started out with Drew and I being a bit sad about the prospect of no NFL next year. On Sunday, we headed out to U of A for the book fair and then to go hike the butterfly trail on Mt. Lemmon (at 8,500ft elevation). The book fair was a bit of a bust. It was pretty crowded and will probably be more fun for Miles next year. We also missed the friends that we were trying to meet up with. Mt. Lemmon, however, was awesome. While we were hiking it occurred to us that if there is no football next year it will be great. First, I root for the Carndinals and the Bengals. Yeah...I know that in itself is a little depressing. Second, my fantasy teams always suck and are huge source of disappointment. Finally, if there is no football next year every Sunday next Fall and Winter will be like today.

This is Miles and Drew at the start of our hike. It was around 60 degrees at 8,500 ft, which felt perfect in the sun.
Miles seemed to love the carrier today!
Thanks to another hiker on the trail, we actually got a rare picture of all three of us!
The goal was to hike 2 miles on the Butterfly trail and then take a small hiker trail to a 1957 airplane crash site that still contains the wreckage. Unfortunately, we only made it about a mile before the trail became covered with snow. If we were alone, Drew and I may have tried to brave it, but with Miles in the carrier we were both too worried about sliding. Therefore, we turned around and instead hiked 0.2 of a mile to the top of Mt. Bigelow. This picture shows the snow.
Here Drew and Miles are at the top of Mt. Bigelow, which is by no means a scenic peak. It has 3 radio towers at the top, but the views are nice. As you can see, Miles is in awe.
Hiking is always hard work for the little guy.

Miles is not sure that he wants to be woken up.
He became lucid quickly.
...then we introduced him to snow!

Happy to be out of the snow.
Miles wanting some of the water.
Miles happy to be out of the snow and back in the dirt.
We could not keep him on the changing pad for long.
It was a great weekend. Although Scout and Riley missed out on the hike, they got to run a lot at the park this weekend. They just do not like having their pictures taken.


At 9:04 PM, Blogger Sarah said...

The picture of him sleeping reminds me of an Anne Geddes baby! What a lucky boy getting to hike such neat places!

At 3:45 PM, Anonymous Graunt Susan said...

It is wonderful for those who have not been off the beaten track in AZ to realize that there ARE trees, snow and stuff besides cactus. Looks like a great hike. Love to all and KEEP THOSE PICTURES coming. It is the only reason Gma (Diane) and I have not driven down there to kidnap that gorgeous baby. We are so far away and LOVE seeing him day to day. THANK YOU both so much for keeping the blog up. It is always the sweetest moment when I call Doug over to share the latest "Miles report".


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