Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Happy 4 Month Birthday Miles

I cannot believe it has been 4 months already. The first two months of Miles' life seemed to last forever and now the past two months have flashed by in what seems to be the blink of an eye. Miles still loves monkeys and has also begun to notice the dogs. He even smiled at Scout yesterday, which made Drew and I beam. Miles is also taking an interest in other babies so I am making an effort to go to a play group at least once a week. At the last one, when I held him in front of another baby his age he held her hand. Even with his perpetual drooling, I think he is going to be a ladies a man.

Last week, we bought Miles a Jumparoo. This is the best $70 we ever spent. He loves it, and quickly learned that if he bounces the lights flash and the music plays.

In other news, Drew and I have a wonderful boss. In addition to allowing us to have very flexible work hours, because she travels a lot she brings back a little outfit for Miles from every place she visits. Miles has woolies and a Moose onesie from Norway, a silk outfit from China, and here are some pictures of Miles in a T-shirt our boss got him in Woods Hole, Massachusetts. It has a seahorse on it because the area of the brain that most of our research centers around (the hippocampus) is Latin for seahorse and was given this name due to its characteristic seahorse shape. Woods Hole is also the place where Watson and Crick figured out the structure of DNA. Anyway, I think that the color really brings out Miles beautiful blue eyes. Yesterday, our boss gave Miles a camo onesie from Alaska. Now Miles and Sarah Palin will have something to talk about. At least until next month when Miles becomes too intelligent to tolerate her.

We learned yesterday that Miles will gaze follow, meaning that if I make a big deal out of looking at something he will direct his gaze at it. Now we are working on him sitting up. He really wants to be able to do this, but still has some balance issues. Also, we have started to ween him off being swaddled at night. So far so good. Last night only his right arm was swaddled and he woke up once between 8pm and 6:30am. By next week we will retire the swaddle and he will start sleeping in jammies.


At 3:06 PM, Blogger Sarah said...

I can't believe how different he looks! And I think he's already too intelligent to tolerate SP.

At 4:03 PM, Blogger sandra said...

Holy cow! He's changed so much since we last saw him (on Skype) His little face is maturing! Slow down!!!!xoxo

At 4:13 PM, Blogger Taryn said...

Miles and his seahorse shirt are too cute! Would love to see pics of him in the other outfits too.

At 9:25 PM, Blogger Sara said...

Thanks for the comments.

Taryn - Miles already outgrew all his Norwegian outfits, but I promise pictures of the Chinese clothes and the Alaskan camo onesie as soon as they fit!


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