Tuesday, November 10, 2009


I had my four month doctor's appointment today. My belly perimeter has grown by 4 inches and my weight is up 6.5 pounds. The baby's heart rate was between 140 and 150 bpm, which is right in the normal range. I can now wear maternity pants and I think I am starting to feel the baby move, but that could also just be gas or my imagination. So far I love the second trimester. Jenne baked me a celebratory pie and our friends Kim and Jeremy Bohne gave us a bunch of baby gear. This is all starting to feel very real.

Drew and I are off to Maui tomorrow so more when we get back. Aloha!


At 7:34 PM, Blogger Jenne said...

Have fun in Hawaii!

At 9:35 AM, Blogger A-M said...

This just made me so happy to read!!
Yeah for belly growth and likely you are feeling the babe but you will know for sure in a few weeks.

Yes the 2nd trimester is fun, fun, fun. The only thing that is hard is that you are not yet half way and so it seems that you have forever left in pregnancy. The end of the 2nd trimester is the best time. People know you are pregnant and are always smiling at you (thankfully no one every touched my belly)and you can actually start to make out parts of the baby in your belly. The last month gets a little tough but really none of it is that bad.

Can't wait to hear more updates.. :)


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