Monday, January 23, 2012

Day 2 in Dunedin

Thanks Dunedin for looking out for me. As many of you know, I suck at crossing streets. I often do not look and several of you have probably pulled me back from a moving car. Well no need to worry about me in Dunedin, as every intersection near the university has this cute little reminder spray painted on the sidewalk.
I walked all over the Northeast Valley of Dunedin this morning to get to Baldwin Street, which is the world's steepest street. I should have looked at a topo map when picking my route, however, because I think I walked up the world's 2nd and 3rd steepest streets to get there. Here is a picture of the Northest Valley from Clyde Street.
A cool old house on Lovelock Avenue.
One of many entrances to the Botanical Gardens. There are fabulous running trails in here. I ran through last night, and it was quite hilly.
A view of the peninsula and Dunedin from the North Cemetery.
The start of Baldwin street. I am sorry Dad, but I could not run it. My legs were tired from the hilly 4km it took me to walk there, and I still have a hike this afternoon.
Usually hills do not come out in photos. But I think you can get the point.

After Baldwin Street, I went back to the Botanical Gardens to get some pictures. These are free to walk through and amazing.
The rose garden.

The greenhouse.
Another entrance to the gardens. I am told that these public gardens are very common in New Zealand.


At 9:25 PM, Anonymous Drew said...

I miss you. Great to see you're having fun!


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