Monday, September 13, 2010

Progress with solids and sleep

Since getting back from Maryland, Miles' sleeping habits have completely deteriorated. With the exception of last night, he has been waking up every 2-3 hours. On top of that, I came down with mastitis, and spent two days feeling like a had the flu and then another day suffering from the first antibitoics I was prescribed, which made me throw up. I am now on an anitbiotic that I can tolerate and am feeling much better. So hopefully things are turning around. Miles did sleep better last night, which I attribute to swaddling him again. Miles has also started to take to eating organic brown rice cereal. I gave up on avacado, and we are going to try butternut squash on Wednesday. Here is a short video of Miles trying to figure out eating.

Part of the reason for Miles sleep problems could be that he has started to teeth. When we were in Maryland his Uncle Jon and Aunt Katie got him a bunch of adorable outfits and some teething toys. Miles has recently figured how to hold the toys himself and chew right where his tooth is starting to come in. It makes this great squeaky noise when he does it, kind of like a dog chewing on a kong ball.

This is just a cute picture of Miles and Drew. I must go back to work.


At 3:55 PM, Blogger A-M said...

I keep meaning to comment! Miles is so so cute. I think in a lot of ways four months is when they start to become more fun. Unfortunately there is something called 4 month sleep regression and it looks like you might be experiencing it. Hopefully it's just teeth and/or schedule change. And mastitis really sucks, sorry you have to go through it. Often it will clear up on it's own with lots of hot showers and massage if you can't tolerate the meds...

At 11:59 AM, Blogger sandra said...

he's eating! I love when he opens his mouth seeing the food coming- he's starting to think this eating food thing may be good!


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