Thursday, April 29, 2010

Circ Day

Fewer posts today- sorry. We were all sleepy catching a few winks when we could. Our neighbor Michelle dropped by for a visit and gave us some muffins (Thanks!). Since Sara was up and about, I had to take it as an opportunity for a nap.
Miles sleeps best in his car seat.
Here he is before we went for his circ. It may look like he is sleeping, but I think he is pondering the intricacies of Keynesian economics. Closing his eyes helps him visualize the issues.
We told him what a circ was, but he seemed unshaken...
Here he is in the Dr's office.
Miles didn't fuss until we had to undress him. This always seems to be the worst part.
Miles is up from his weight 2 days ago (7lbs 15.5oz). The scale settled on 8lb. 4.5 oz. I missed the opportunity to take pictures for what happens next during Miles' trip to the doctors. They wanted at least one parent present for the circ in order to see how to apply the petroleum and secure the diaper. Sara, being the team member with the strongest constitution, was nominated (by me) to be the one to stay. I went into the hallway and called Pop Pop. It only took about 10 minutes. Here he is afterwards. Although he looks sleepy, it turns out they gave him too much sugar water during the procedure which he took in along with some air. This gave him some bad gas and we spent the next 30 minutes working the air out of him.
Starting to get fussy here.
We're changing him here. He certainly hates being changed. And now were safe at home. Miles is still in his car seat, either pondering the mysteries of the universe or sleeping. We're all trying to relax. Hoping you enjoyed the pictures.


At 8:45 PM, Blogger MichelleR said...

The diaper changes will probably get easier soon. Atticus hated them the first couple of weeks, but now he doesn't mind at all and, in fact, often smiles at me during diaper changes.

Glad Miles slept off his circumcision.

At 4:43 PM, Blogger Drew said...

Seems to be many strong opinions against the circumcision. Not sure who those folks were or why they're deciding to post here (start your own blog and put your opinion there!). Papa is circumcised and Papa is A-ok with it. 6-days old and my parenting is already being criticized... sheesh.


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