Saturday, May 15, 2010

Happy 3 Week Birthday Miles

Part of me cannot believe that Drew and I have been parents for 3 weeks already while the rest of me thinks, "if it has only been 3 weeks, then why do I feel like I have not slept in a year". Overall, Miles is doing great. He is now sleeping in his nursery at night. This has improved his sleeping a little bit because we can leave a light on for him (he is calmer when the room is not completely dark). It has also made it so Drew can stay up late with Miles and give him a bottle before putting him to sleep, which gives me a head start on getting some rest. In exchange when I get up with Miles to nurse during the night Drew can continue to sleep. This is particularly important because Miles is the noisiest baby ever. He constantly grunts and makes growling noises, even in his sleep. When he nurses he makes little piggy snorting noises and even yelps at times. It is really cute but makes sleeping difficult.

In other Miles' news, he has quite the bad breakout of newborn acne right now. I guess that as the hormones infants were exposed to in utero leave their system (around week 3) they get zits. It is not the most attractive thing but should clear up in a week or two. We still think he is adorable but admittedly it does make him less photogenic.


At 8:50 PM, Blogger Sarah said...

I can't believe he's three weeks either! I was just telling Katy and I could believe the words "three weeks" were coming out of my mouth when she asked me how old.


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