Monday, April 26, 2010

Going home today...

Both baby and mom have been cleared to go home. Sara and I both got more sleep last night (although a Lab tech came in to draw Sara's blood at 4am while Miles was asleep in the nursery. You'd think that they would time these things better). Miles pediatrician thinks he looks great and the cause of his temperature increase was too many blankets. I've changed my third diaper. Because I wasn't quick enough on the change, I also got to change my first shirt and the baby mattress cover (boy baby related issue). Fortunately, I was spared.

Right now, Sara is getting a shower and changing into regular clothes. She is moving a bit slow, but the medical staff are very happy with her progress.

Miles likes his pacifier... he is now looking around more.


At 9:30 AM, Blogger sandra said...

You can talk during the movie... We love checking in and seeing him!!xoxo

At 10:12 AM, Blogger A-M said...

He is so gorgeous! Glad you are getting to go home so soon. I love the updates and all the pics...keep 'em coming and congrats again!
And yes meconium is GROSS, but it will only be about a day or so of it then breast milk poo is no big deal. Doesn't even smell :)


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